Golf Specials

Midday Special | $12 Green Fees*
Be sure to take advantage of Lombard Golf Course’s Midday Special featuring $12 green fees. The special is valid Monday through Thursday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, all season long. Replay rounds with this special are $12 and replay carts are half price.

Free Youth Special
The Free Youth Special is available seven days a week. Individuals 14 and under can golf for FREE when playing with a paying adult. The special is valid all day Monday through Thursday, and limited to after 12:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Limit one FREE youth green fee per paid adult green fee. 

Play a Second 9!*
Play a second 9 and rent a gas cart for half price. Please note: half price round and cart must immediately follow the first round of play.

Don’t Have Time for 9? Play 6!*
Looking to get a quick round of golf in? Play the first six holes for just $12 and add a cart rental for only $8.

Gift Cards
Gift cards are available year-round at Sunset Knoll Recreation Center (820 S. Finley Road), Madison Meadow Athletic Center (500 E. Wilson Avenue), and Lombard Golf Course (2400 W. Butterfield Road) when the course is open.

Advantage Card
Golf ten rounds at Lombard Golf Course and receive the 11th round for free! Speak to a Lombard Golf Course staff member to get set up with an Advantage Card today!

*Specials not to be combined with other offers or specials.Decreased rates will be rounded up to the whole dollar.